Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many people can I have for a Yellow belt training?
A: Our Yellow belt training is onsite for two days with a maximum of 20 people per training event.

Q: Do I need Green belt training before Black belt?
A: It is recommended, however, not required.

Q: How long is a Green belt training?
A: Our Green belt certification is approximately 12 months, however, training is onsite for two weeks.

Q: How long is a Black belt training?
A: Our Black belt certification is approximately 12 months, however, training is onsite for three weeks.

Q: Can either Green or Black belt training be virtual?
A: Yes, our Green and Black belt training can be taught virtually.

Q: Is TPM training virtual?
A: TPM is onsite, hands-on training and implementation. It requires everyone to participate.

Q: Can we implement only few Pillars of TPM?
A: Yes, TPM pillars can operate individually, however, they quickly become like spaghetti intertwined together.

Q: Does TPM help with Safety?
A: Yes, there is a TPM pillar dedicated to safety. It is called the Safety, Health, and Environment pillar.

Q: I have a small company, do I need TPM?
A: Yes, any company regardless of its size can benefit from TPM.

Q: Does TPM apply to transportation companies?
A: Absolutely! TPM pillars are applied to all fields of operations.

Q: Do I need TPM or HPWS (High Performance Work System)?
A: TPM helps HPWS culture. TPM small group activity teams become HPWS teams.

Q: Do I need value stream map or Kaizen?
A: It depends, Kaizen is "renew for good" and applies to solving problems using a DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) approach. However, a Value stream map helps in learning the entire supply chain, or process from supplier to the customer. Value stream maps looks at flow of the process, such as flow of the information, and material flow throughout the value stream. It is used to reduce waste, cycle time and lead time.

Q: Is 5S important?
A: Yes, 5S is the foundation of any organization.